Thursday, January 13, 2011

Must Love Dogs and Dog Solutions

Strengthen the Bond of Love Between Your Dog and You

The little doggy was so adorable when you first saw her, and you love her dearly.. Now she is getting bigger and older and her little peculiarities are noticeable. She is a smart little creature, and has a will of her own.

When she first came home with you, you couldn't wait to hear her little bark. The first vocal expression of her thoughts were adorable and the way her little front feet jumped off the ground when she barked was precious.

Now she barks at everything that moves and you are beginning to feel conspicuous in the neighborhood. Is there anything you can do to mitigate her canine behavior to fit a human-supported existence? Can you turn the canine antics back into easy fun?

Dog Behavior Modification Products

The good news is that products exist that are humane and still effective. A bit of persuasion is needed as certainly for your dog as for your head-strong teenager.

You make sure your son wears his seatbelt when he drives and that he doesn't use his cell phone. When little Mitzi has gotten too enthusiastic in her territory-protection activities, you may wish to try a Citronella Spray anti-bark collar for behavior solutions.

The electric shock collars work, of course. But this is only one choice among many. You can easily adhere to your humane leanings by purchasing the equipment that is effective and gentle.

Extendable dog leashes are an effective tool to allow you much more control and pleasure during your walks with energetic little Fido. In the meantime, little Fido will enjoy the experience of greater freedom as he is able to amble farther a-field, and still retain the support from his loving new Dad by way of protection and oversight.

These leashes let you dole out a bit more line when you are in a safe zone, and bring little Fido back to the safety of your proximity when the terrain becomes a bit more chaotic.

And How About Those Fleas and Ticks??

The best dog terrain often is the home of the most prolific flea and tick population. You know one or two of the little critters will grab a ride on your pride and joy, your little Fluffy. You will protect both your furry friend and yourself, by choosing an affordable flea and ticket treatment.

If you would like to try home remedies to repel fleas and ticks, try feeding your pooch garlic each day. It is a time-honored remedy, and also provides nutrients for your furry friend at the same time.

Bathing and Grooming

An act of love that is a bonding experience for both your pet and you is gentle and thorough grooming. The correct dog-grooming brush that is suited to the fur of your particular friend will create an enjoyable experience for both of you. And you can find a brand that will be approved by your dogs doctor.

Wonderful shampoos can provide a luxurious cleanliness for little pooch Butch, and will help you to enjoy the closeness that your little dear loves.

Dog Crates and Pet Seats

Just as you protect your family and yourself with seatbelts, child-restraint seats, and airbag technology, you can protect your most loyal friend when you travel using something as simple as a dog crate. Pet seats are also used in automobiles to protect poochie Prissy.

If you have an SUV style car, you can install a dog-constraint gate, so you don't find yourself with a furry bundle in your lap when you least need it.

The love Americans feel toward their family dog has caused a wonderful and attentive industry to develop that will make pet ownership so much more easy and enjoyable.

And a knowledge bit of information, written by Dr. Dog, is one of the handy dog behavior books for dog solutions.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Recipes For Dogs, Your Best Friend and Protege

Many people will say their best friend and protégé who has their undivided trust, is their family dog. Especially in modern times, people and dogs have developed a very unique and loving bond.

The stress level is high, competition is tough, and people have their own agendas and goals. The happy-go-lucky fellow companion is hard to find. Unless one considers the dog.

And if you love and trust your little pooch, how much more are these emotions returned by your dog? They endow their human family with powers of intellect and omniscience that would embarrass the human if we understood.

And although many will love for food, in particular your little friend will respond well to snacks made from healthy homemade dog food recipes.

Making healthy food for dogs homemade can be a treat for the dog, and also help the human by keeping feeding costs reasonable and using leftover human food. Recipes for dogs are easy to follow and can provide a delightful repast to Fido.

Human food has often been found to be unsanitary from time to time, even with the strict guidelines that food manufacturers are mandated to use.

With this in mind, one must wonder if finding the right homemade recipes for dogs may be a smart and thoughtful decision.

It is important, however, to do your research before feeding your dog homemade meals for dogs. Several of the foods that humans find delectable, can be toxic to your little friend.

Excellent information, CDs, DVDs, and books are available, that will provide healthy food for dogs homemade with the nutrients that are important and appropriate for the canine. The healthy recipes for dogs are also most tantalizing to their little taste buds.

I, for one, have had an enormously wonderful time in perusing the healthy homemade dog food recipes, using some of the leftovers of human food that would otherwise go to waste, and most delightfully, creating good, wholesome food that will give my furry friend great pleasure, and add to vibrant health for the dog.

The cost is remarkably affordable, the quality is of the best, and the knowledge that I am further enhancing my little Fifi's well-being and happiness is satisfying and sweet.

I love to enlist the help of the kids in this activity. The children get enormous enjoyment from participating on many levels. The dog and the kids love their relationship, and planning and preparing dog food simply adds another dimension.

And what about the relationship between the kids and Mom and Dad. What better method of bonding than to engage in a peaceful and caring planning session of caring for the families most trusting and giving member, the dog.

The lessons of nurturing and just plain fun cannot be better absorbed than through caring for the family dog.

The lessons of self-reliance and economy can be passed on to the children, while putting in place cheaper feeding routines for the pet.

And the research as to which foods are healthy for which animals will be interesting and a learning experience for the kids.

The profound simplicity of getting back to basics can start with this simple exercise of finding and implementing healthy food for dogs homemade by thoughtful family members.